Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Making Browniez Shon

And the people be asking . . ."ayo Rawdawg what chu be doing?"
And I respond to the people. . ."Makin Browniez shon!!!"
Sike naw but yesterday was my day off and wifey asked me to make browniez with her from scratch so that's how i spent my day.
1st things 1st

We gathered all the ingredients to prep before baking. The Kool-Aid wasn't an ingredient just so happened to be in the picture. But who don't love Kool-AID???

After we poored all the ingredients together we used the loud ass mixter to mix it together..

in the oven they go for

And then the people ask..." Hey Rawdawg, how'd they taste?"
And i reply . . ."Like Shyt"
as you can see in the pic as soon as the browniez touched her tongue those nasty shyts came flying out.

So what comez next? Round Two

So we search the net for another recipe.

One new brownie recipe and an hour later we end up with a new batch of browniez.
As my girlfriend wears her head rag like 2pac she slicez the new batch as i impatiently wait to taste them.

And the people ask one more question..." Hey Rawdawg, how'd the new batch taste?"
Oh dey was rocking. . . my girlfriend would disagree but everyone in the house beside her loved em so i would say they were a success.

Bake'n up a storm

Sincerely Yours,
Vinny Vecchi aka THE AWESOMEST

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