Friday, March 14, 2008

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

So this post is way overdue. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the third in the trilogy of Smash Bros. games dropped on March 9th. Since the ASSC goes too hard we got the game on the 7th, two days before it came out. As soon as the game was popped into the Wii all hell broke loose. Chills ran up our spines as we watched the loading screen (Yes, we are that crazy about this game), and we had to watch the entire intro before getting into actual game play. Graphically the game is leaps and bounds ahead of the previous versions released. There are a ridiculous amount of new characters, levels, moves, and even a story mode. The story is extensive and took a while to complete, but completion is a must in order to unlock all of the characters. I honestly have to say the game has gotten a five out of five star rating by the ASSC. "I might have to buy a Wii just for this game."- Vinny. The game is that good, there's no other way to put it. The game has drawn too many people to my dorm room, and people are playing it around the clock. Get your hands on this game ASAP or get your friend who owns a Wii to buy it immediately.
Quality of the video's isn't the greatest. My cam died so I was using a phone to take the video.

Keep your thumbs limber,

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