Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Pepsi Pjs and I

Its been alil while since i've posted and the reason is simply bcuz i aint been doin shyt. Ive been workin when give'n hours, kickin it wit da crew (wheneva our free time matches) in skool (kinda), hang'n wit mrs. rawdawg, and cool out in da crib with my pepsi pjs on....yeah i took a pic to show em off. Besides that aint much else to my situation...but i figure y not tell yu bout all the noting ive been doin?

hmmmmmmmmm where do i start?
Here's sum pix of the crew chill...aka sittin in Markel's room doin nothing lol

& yes i did get that close to take that pic...

There's very few things in the world thats better than watching old episodes of martin.

Me and mrs. Rawdawg basically be doin our own thang

I've been tryn' to perfect my napkin art and my paintin...

I got the color scheme from this TLC show I was watching wit my grl about weddings... its brown and tiffany blue, i think its a crack combo...but the credit goes to mrs. rawdawg and dat show.

Oh here's my pepsi pjs

This video has no type of pupose but i was bored i was in my pjs and i did it...i'm not sure if i can be heard it sound'd a lil low b4 but whateva ...peep da video

An Update on Nothin from Alvin Reaves on Vimeo.

Beside that stuff right there i aint been doin shyt... jus livin

Sincerely Yours,
Vinny Vecchi aka THE AWESOMEST aka Blast Off Bitches!


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